Depending on the task and interest such excursions can include a visit to the MEL, the agricultural associations or training organizations. The AHA provides information e.g. on the education and training in the German agricultural sector, subsequent education and qualification opportunities as well as practical examples of concrete AHA activities in developing countries. By exchanging with international delegations the AHA itself gains valuable insights in the specific needs within the visiting countries which is important for the work of international AHA.
Junior managers from associations and local organizations in Ethiopia.
The participants of our TOP course gather impressions of the situation in developing countries during an excursion to Ethiopia-excursion, which has become an integral part of the TOP course program. Here the mutual understanding is the core part of the exchange- and the best breeding ground to build informed opinions and a fruitful cooperation.
If you would like to get more information about our exchange and knowledge transfer programs at international level, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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