The Transitional Agriculture Media Festival 2021

by Dr. Anoush Steinberger-Ficiciyan

In September 2021, this year's digital media festival took place. It involved six farmers' organisations from Malawi, Zimbabwe, Russia, Rwanda, Germany and Ghana as part of the Transitional Agriculture project, led by Agrarkontakte International e.V. and the Andreas Hermes Akademie. The organisations competed to create an attractive media output of their choice on the topic of "Promoting Agriculture for young and female farmers through farmer organisations" and present it to a wide festival audience. The main target group of the media output is young people involved in and with agriculture.
Zusammenschnitt der Videos
Übersicht der eingereichten Videos

They were advised and supported in the production by media expert Mr Leo Zander. Together, they evaluated the content that each organisation wanted to convey, the story that they wanted to tell, and chose the appropriate media for them (podcast, animation, video etc.). All organisations were then free to decide whether they wanted to produce the media output together with Leo Zander or with a local media production company of their choice. There was also the opportunity to organise further workshops locally on the ground, where together they discussed and planned the design, the story that they wanted to tell and the structure of the media output.

The best media output was chosen at the joint media festival on 8 September 2021. Farmers’ organisations had the opportunity to evaluate each other according to five criteria:

  • Content fitting the topic
  • Achievement of objectives (defined in advance by the farmers’ organisations), adequately addressing the target group
  • Innovative: unique selling proposition
  • Atmosphere: emotional connection (moving)
  • Comprehensible message

The result could not have been closer, with the six farmer organisations neck and neck. They received the following prize money, coupled to the implementation of local workshops or production of another video on a new topic.

  • 1st place, each winning 600 €: Zimbabwe (ZFU) & Russia (AKKOR)
  • 2nd place, each winning 400 €: Malawi (NASFAM) & Germany (DBV)
  • 3rd place, each winning 200 €: Rwanda (INGABO) & Ghana (COFAG)

Like all the participants, we at the AHA are impressed by the great videos and congratulate everyone once again.
Check out all the videos on our YouTube Channel.

The Author

Dr. Anoush Steinberger-Ficiciyan

Programme Manager international