The knowledge hub continues to turn

by Julian Friesinger

The advantages of a virtual exchange platform are clear: online formats for exchanging experience are straightforward and save time and costs. They also enable members of African farmers' organisations to exchange solutions and relevant experiences with each other beyond national borders. Participants in the virtual events can help shape the topics of the exchange platform themselves. The Pan African Farmers' Organisation (PAFO) uses its own 15 moderators to oversee exchanges. Such a platform is an enormous asset - especially for a pan-African association like PAFO, their member associations on the continent and as a result for their members too.

Andreas Hermes Akademie (AHA) is accompanying the exchange platform in its initial phase from 2023 to 2024 as part of the global project Strengthening Farmers’ Organisations (StäBo) – and in 2023 still with technical support from their partner Agrarkontakte International. The project receives funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The benefits of the exchange platform and the support provided by the AHA prompted PAFO to organise a workshop in July 2024 to develop a sustainable strategy for the knowledge hub.

At the start of the workshop in mid-July 2024 in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), PAFO President Ibrahima Coulibaly emphasised how important it is to ensure that the benefits of the platform can continue in the future. Furthermore, they should be made even more visible and usable. The platform is not only strengthening the capacities of farmers’ organisations, but also promoting a culture of cooperation and innovation. Coulibaly emphasised that the positive dynamic of exchange and learning must therefore be maintained in the future.

Collaboration and knowledge transfer as cornerstones
During the workshop, which was moderated by the trainer Adamu Fun Bala and funded withn FO4ACP and IFAD, the 15 moderators worked together with the presidents and directors of PAFO’s member associations to develop a strategy for the sustainability of the platform. Participants identified the following fields of action in the interactive formats in order to anchor the knowledge hub at PAFO for the long term: institutionalisation of the platform, more participation in prioritising topics, greater involvement of managers from PAFO and its member associations, additional capacity building of moderators, integrating the platforms already in existence in PAFO’s member associations, as well as improved communication and knowledge management.

In addition, participants drew up a first draft of an action plan, which will now be further elaborated and implemented after a coordination phase.

Background to PAFO
PAFO, the Pan-African Farmers’ Organisation, is supported by the following five African regional associations: Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU), East African Farmers Federation (EAFF), Réseau des Organisations Paysannes et des Producteurs Agricoles de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (ROPPA), Union Maghrébine et Nord-Africaine des Agriculteurs (UMNAGRI), Plateforme régionale des organisations paysannes d’Afrique centrale (PROPAC). Through these five regional associations, PAFO reaches 73 national umbrella organisations which are members of these regional associations. PAFO thereby reaches a total of 80 million farmers. The 15 moderators who prepare the content of all exchange formats are themselves employees or members of the regional member associations or employees or members of national associations, which are in turn members of the five aforementioned associations. Participants in the exchange formats are members of the five regional associations mentioned above or members of the national associations.

Special thanks go to the coordinator of PAFO and to all moderators of the platform for their valuable support. Their ongoing commitment is the key to the success of this knowledge hub.

Further information about the PAFO NFO platform can be found here.

The Author

Julian Friesinger

Programme Manager international