Agricultural association representatives from Africa and Germany: growing together and gaining influence

by Zara Grauer

May 2024 saw the start of the second round of the "Women Farmers' Leadership Programme", masterminded by the Pan-African Farmers' Association (PAFO) and realised in partnership between Andreas Hermes Akademie (AHA) and the German Association of Rural Women (dlv). This year, the exchange is being held in French for the first time, bringing together 17 ladies from 11 African countries and those from Germany.

All the participants were selected by their respective African Regional Farmers’ Organisations (RFOs) and are acting as senior, elected representatives of national and regional agricultural associations. The first English-language round of the programme took place last year, with 15 African and five German ladies taking part.

The Pan African Farmers’ Organisation (PAFO) represents the interests of smallholders and farmers throughout Africa and promotes sustainable agricultural practices. PAFO is supported by the five regional farmers’ organisations (RFOs): the Eastern African Farmers Federation (EAFF), Plateforme Régionale des Organisations Paysannes d’Afrique Centrale (PROPAC), Réseau des Organisations Paysannes et des Producteurs de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (ROPPA), Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU) and Union Maghrébine et Nord Africaine des Agriculteurs (UMNAGRI). For more information, please visit the PAFO-website.

The programme aims to strengthen the presence and influence of women in leadership positions in agriculture and to expand their networks at international, regional and national level.

“My wish is to develop into a leader. That’s why I’m doing this course. It will certainly take a while yet. But maybe one day I will educate other women, grow with them and be a great leader.”

Aichatou Sakho, 26 years old, rice and vegetable farmer from Mauritania and youngest participant in the Women Leadership programme 2024. Member of the Maghrebian and North African Farmers Union (UMNAGRI).

The first round of workshops took place near Erding in Bavaria and aimed to analyse women’s individual leadership styles and existing leadership skills. Participants reflected on their own role within the organisation and their personal understanding of leadership. Participants took a closer look at themselves and at the same time took the opportunity to share their experiences and perspectives with other women in the programme.

In addition to intense discussions within the workshop, a day of excursions enabled participants to visit farms run by women near Munich and the Bavarian Farmers’ Association (BBV). The visit to the BBV focused on exchanges involving the role of women in farmers’ organisations: Christine Reitelshöfer, First Vice-President of the BBV and Second Vice-President of the dlv, spoke about women within the BBV. Angelika Eberl then reported on BBV’s involvement in Kenya, which was followed by intensive dialogue with participants.

“The women in my organisation are farmers and at the same time role models and charismatic leaders. Nevertheless, we will take on board the experiences of the other women who have welcomed us here in Germany, so that our leadership style can improve. Being a leader means leading an organisation towards the common good.”

Kavira Kapitula Esperance, farmer from North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. President of the Ligue des Organisations des femmes paysannes du Congo (LOFEPACO), part of the Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF).

The success of this programme became apparent just four weeks after the first meeting: the women formed a network and exchanged ideas intensively via digital channels. In a first online session, they took part in discussions with Arianna Giuliodori, former CEO of the World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO), and shared their personal experiences as senior leaders.

The second workshop will take place in November in Kigali, Rwanda. Until then, further online sessions are planned, which will serve both to promote exchange between participants and to network with other external leaders. The programme is thereby promoting continuous capacity building and creating a platform for sustainable discussions.

“I have the vision to share the experiences I have gained from other women from other countries and continents. As a leader, I have to work on bringing other women into our network with me. I have to give something back. I have to take them with me, let them participate, so that they have the same level of information. This will perfect the functionality of our network.”

Lami Madjedje, President of the National Network of Women Farmers in Togo (RENAFAT Centrale), part of the Regional Confederation of Farmers’ Organisations in Eastern Africa.

AHA is delighted to be working on this important project together with PAFO and the dlv, thereby contributing to the empowerment of women in agriculture worldwide. Together, we are creating a future in which women in management positions are taken for granted and their voices are heard.

Further information about the first round of the 2023 programme can be found here:

The photos and quotes were taken by Claudia Jordan (GIZ).

The Author

Zara Grauer

Programme Manager international