Things are what they are. Our perception and behaviour are our personal choices and happiness is our free choice.
David comes from an agricultural family. After years of international experience as a hotel clerk, a teaching position in the French state school system, several years of employment at “Airbus Helicopters” as a customer advisor, international project team leader and as a manager, he went into business for himself in 2017 as a trainer, coach and consultant. Cross-cultural experience has become competence and competences want to be used in a meaningful way. For him, the human being with their individual abilities is at the center of the system in every company. Communication is a key element for him. Since 2019 he has accompanied the TOP Kurs as well as the national and international b|u|s programme for the AHA.
His qualifications:
- Systemic trainer and facilitator
- Freelance Reiki Master
- Hotel management
His topics:
- Personality development
- Leadership and management development
- Teambuilding and team dynamics
- Enneagram typology
- Conflict Management
- Work-Life-Balance