Since 1997, Erich Ziegler has given and continues to give many game workshops in addition to his work as a communication and behavior trainer with Begeierst and has played games on various occasions, at congresses, in companies, in schools and for other organizations.
His rich experience with games has been laid down in the game collection “The Australian floating wood – and 199 other games for trainers and seminar leaders”, published by GABAL, 2006.
His qualifications:
- Creative seminar methods, Cologne
- Inner Game Workshops, Sulzburg
- Div. outdoor workshops, bsj Marburg
- Training for in-company further training, WBB, Tübingen
- Linguistic Studies
His topics:
- Didactical use of games in trainings and workshops
- Trainer training
- Communication, Presentation, Rhetoric
- Customer Orientation/Negotiation
- Moderations on internal topics and conflicts
- Team development
- Personality development