George is an experienced trainer, facilitator and process consultant with a wealth of experience in development cooperation and institutional building in Africa the global South. Having worked in several sectors of development (agriculture, food security and nutrition, youth empowerment, health and agro-value chain development) and rising from field extension experience to programme management, he has gained a good understanding of the development cooperation environment. Over the last 13 years George has provided advisory and accompaniment services for farmers’ organisations, non-governmental organisations and other actors in community development. He draws his work experience in Eastern Africa and Asia (Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and the Philippines).
His qualifications:
- Graduate training in Project Planning and Management with undergraduate training in Agriculture and Human Ecology
- Training in Impact oriented planning and monitoring evaluation, self-effectiveness in development cooperation and organizational development
- Training of facilitators
His topics:
- Leadership and organisational development
- Strategic management (development of strategies, governance trainings and performance assessments)
- Facilitation and adult learning
- Self-effectiveness
- Project planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning (PMERL)
- An experienced evaluator of development cooperation programmes
Training languages: English, Kiswahili