An accountant by training, Nombre became involved in Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral activities in 1994 in Batié-Province in Burkina Faso. He then became active in farmers’ organisations at local and national level. From 1999 to 2001, he was the national coordinator of the Cadre de Concertation des Organisations Faîtières Paysannes du Burkina Faso (CCOF), which today has become the Confédération Paysanne du Faso (CPF). In 2003, he was the national coordinator for the implementation of an FAO project on capacity building for farmers’ organisations.
He is the president of the National Organization of Cashew Nut Producers of Burkina (FENAPA-B). He has benefited from and provided several capacity-building courses in the USA, Europe and Africa. Today, he specializes in training farmers and young people in agricultural entrepreneurship, being an AHA b|u|s Master Trainer, a MTP in the cashew nut value-added chain, a GIZ Farmer Business School (FBS) trainer; and a Contractual Agriculture (CA) trainer. Nombre has the ability to design a training program as part of a local development process.
His qualifications:
- Brevet d’Etude Professionnel in Accounting
- Certificate in Agricultural Entrepreneurship
- Certificate in Master Training on CVA
- Training in Engineering
- Trainer, Moderator and Facilitator
His topics:
- Agricultural entrepreneurship b|u|s
- Value chain cashew
- Contract farming
- Farmers Business School (FBS)
- Farm management
- Crop management/Sales
- Rural organisations/structuring
- Communication methods and tools in a local development process
- Designing a training program
Training languages: French, Dioula, Bissa, Birifor, Lobiri